SERVICE FIRST - our pride and priority.

We Make Houses Homes With Expert Advice And Service!

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About Us:

Property Boom are not merely salespeople. We handle the lengthy, complex transaction process with the required skills and knowledge. We do a lot more than introduce Sellers to potential Buyers, we strive to match attractive offers to your property.

Our aim is to give every customer a first-class experience when selling or buying, letting or renting a property with us. We endeavor to take the burden off your shoulders, to move smoothly to the next exciting and new phase of your life.

Client Testimonials:

"Review Professionalism"

I have been looking for a house since June and the only agent that went out of her way for me. was Jennifer. I would like to personally thank Jennifer for making my son’s dream come true. What an absolute jewel she is. I only had the best service from this young lady, she’s really driven.

Thanks Jennifer.

Maddy McCarthy; CLIENT

Client Testimonials:

Service orientated, professional and good with negotiation is the reason my home was sold in two weeks after Annemarie Velleman listed it.

I did not get this from other agents.



Client Testimonials:

Annemarie Velleman is as mens ‘n voorbeeld van vriendelikheid, toeganklikheid en eerlikheid. Sy is ‘n mense mens, wat dit aangenaam maak om met haar te assosieer. Sy is uiters goed gemanierd en sal nooit onbeskof wees nie.

As besigheidsvrou is sy hoogs bekwaam en ervare en sal altyd die klient se belange eerste stel. Sy sal nie dinge bewimpel of kortpaaie vat net om ‘n transaksie te beklink nie, sy is werklik edel van imbors.

Ek sê al hierdie dinge uit eerstehandse ervaring met haar. Sy het ‘n geskikte koper vir my moeilike en duur huis in Woodland Hills gewerf en die verkoop spoedig suksesvol afgehandel. Soos u kan aflei beveel ek Annemarie Velleman met absolute gemoedsrus aan..